- Crash Bandicoot cursors

Crash Bandicoot cursors
Crash Bandicoot is so old American video game franchise originally developed by Naughty Dog that you can't know anything about it or at least hear about it once. The games of this franchise are mostly set on the fictitious Wumpa Islands, an archipelago situated to the south of Australia where humans and mutant animals co-exist, although other locations are common.
The protagonist of the game series presented as a genetically enhanced bandicoot named Crash, whose quiet life on the Wumpa Islands often interrupted by the games' main antagonist named Doctor Neo Cortex, who created Crash and wants him dead as he became a failed experiment. You already can find them in our fanart Crash Bandicoot cursor collection. In most games, Crash must defeat Cortex and crash his plans for world domination.
If you are a big fan of this hack and slash game, you can have its characters as a game cursor for your mouse. Among them already are Crash Bandicoot cursor pack with fanart Penta Penguin, fanart Pinstripe Potoroo game cursor, game pointer Crash Bandicoot Dingodile, Koala Kong cursor and pointer Dr. Nitrus Brio, Tiny Tiger game cursor and Dr. Neo Cortex, game cursor for a mouse with Crash Bandicoot Pink Elephant and of course, game cursor in the shape of main character - Crash Bandicoot and Aku Aku Mask. And much more is coming.
- Nuevo
- Antiguo
Crash Bandicoot Pura cursor
Look, who is in our fanart Crash Bandicoot Pura cursor? It is an energetic, playful tiger cub who was first introduced in Crash Bandicoot: Warped, where Coco rides him through the levels of Orient Express and Midnight Run.
Crash Bandicoot N. Trance cursor
The weirdo in our fanart Crash Bandicoot cursor wants to destroy all bandicoots. N. Trance is a brainwashed cyborg who is one of the central antagonists of the game. He is the creation of N. Tropy and N. Trance, two of the series' recurring villains.
Crash Bandicoot Catbat cursor
Is it a cat or a bat in our fanart Crash Bandicoot cursor? It is Catbat - a teal-furred cat-bat hybrid mutant, set to make its playable debut in Crash Team Rumble. This character has a punk style and large wings that they use to take up to the skies.
Crash Bandicoot Doctor Nefarious Tropy cursor
This guy from our fanart Crash Bandicoot Doctor Nefarious Tropy cursor pack is the self-proclaimed master of time, creator of the Time Twister Machine, and specialist in quantum warp technology. He is an old friend of Uka Uka.
Crash Bandicoot Ika-Ika cursor
Ika-Ika is the Quantum Mask of Gravity which is shaped like a double-sided arrow, with the face being upside-down to each other. The upper half is optimistic and has a more turquoise color. Crash Bandicoot cursor pack with fanart Ika-Ika game pointer.
Crash Bandicoot Tawna cursor
Tawna appears in Crash Bandicoot, Crash Boom Bang!, and Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled as Crash's girlfriend. She has an alternate universe counterpart, which is playable in Crash Bandicoot 4. Crash Bandicoot fanart cursor with Tawna pointer.
Crash Bandicoot Lani Loli cursor
Lani-Loli is the Quantum Mask of Space and the character of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, with whom Crash and Coco can phase various objects, crates and obstacles in and out of existence. Crash Bandicoot cursor pack with fanart Lani Loli cursor.
Crash Bandicoot Ripper Roo cursor
Ripper Roo aka Doctor Roo is a crazy blue mutated kangaroo. He is widely considered to be Dr. Cortex's first and failed experiment with the Evolvo-Ray. He also has razor sharp claws on his toes. Crash Bandicoot pack with fanart Ripper Roo game cursor.
Crash Bandicoot Pinstripe Potoroo cursor
Don Pinstripelli Potorotti aka Pinstripe Potoroo came up as a potoroo subjected to the Evolvo-Ray to be Neo Cortex's bodyguard. He is well known for wielding a Tommy gun and laughing maniacally. Crash Bandicoot cursor pack with fanart Pinstripe Potoroo.
Crash Bandicoot Penta Penguin cursor
Penta Penguin is based on the penguins in Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back who walk aimlessly. He is shown rather greedy as stated above, but he also is very intelligent. Crash Bandicoot cursor pack with fanart Penta Penguin game cursor.
Crash Bandicoot Koala Kong cursor
Koala Kong is a koala evolved by the Evolvo-Ray. He was Tiny's Evil Side counterpart, but unlike Tiger, he shows no intellectual powers in any task, that's why he works more often in tasks that require strength. Crash Bandicoot game cursor Koala Kong.
Crash Bandicoot Tiny Tiger and Trident cursor
Tiny Tiger is a thylacine with an ironic name initially created by Nitrus Brio. Despite his name, he is actually a very large Tasmanian Tiger armed with a big trident, a bigger attitude. Crash Bandicoot game cursor with Tiny Tiger and Trident.
Crash Bandicoot Dingodile and Flamethrower cursor
Dingodile is a genetic hybrid of a dingo and a crocodile with an Australian accent, having a crocodile's body and tail, and some features of a dingo. His weapon is a flamethrower. Game cursor with Crash Bandicoot Dingodile and Flamethrower.
Crash Bandicoot Dr. Neo Cortex and Ray Gun cursor
Dr. Neo Cortex is the main character of the Crash Bandicoot. During his boss fight, he attacks with his weapon - ray gun, which is firing a laser beam down a lane and shooting balls of plasma. Game cursor with Crash Bandicoot Dr. Neo Cortex and Ray Gun.
Crash Bandicoot Dr. Nitrus Brio and Potion cursor
Doctor Nitrus Brio is a boss in Crash Bandicoot. Potions are weapons used by Dr. Nitrus Brio. The different potion has different effects. The purple one creates shock waves. Game cursor with Crash Bandicoot Dr. Nitrus Brio and purple Potion.