- Splatoon cursors

Splatoon cursors
Splatoon is a popular multiplayer third-person shooter game developed and published by Nintendo. Splatoon is eight players which are divided into two teams, fighting over territory and painting the arena the same team color.
Splatoon players take on the role of an unusual human squid called the Inklings, who need to paint as much space as possible with their team's color. That is why the players are armed not with guns and pistols, but with ink-filled balloons, brushes, paint guns, and the like.
In human form, Inklings can shoot ink as well as splat their enemies. Transforming into a squid allows the player to swim in ink of their color, slide through gratings, climb walls, hide from opponents, and replenish ink supplies. If you are in the enemy ink, your movement speed is reduced and the damage is dealt. These incredible Inklings can be in the form of a game cursor for a mouse Splatoon 2 Pearl, Splatoon cursor with Marina Ida, fanart cursor with Splatoon 2 Callie, Splatoon 2 cursor with Judd.
The Splatoon collection of fanart cursors contains a large number of playable characters, both in humanoid form and in the form of a squid. Among them you can choose Splatoon 2 cursor for a mouse with Callie, game cursor Splatoon Li'l Judd, Splatoon 2 Agent 8 cursor for a mouse, Splatoon cursor with Marie, game Splatoon 2 cursor with Inkling Splat Bomb!
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Splatoon 3 Big Man cursor
Our game cursor pack features Big Man, a character in Splatoon 3 whose signature color is gray, and he is one of the three members of the band Deep Cut, alongside Shiver and Frye, with whom he co-hosts both Anarchy Splatcast.
Splatoon 3 Shiver and Fan cursor
Our fanart Splatoon 3 Shiver and Fan cursor pack features a character in Splatoon 3 and a member of the band Deep Cut, alongside Frye and Big Man, with whom she co-hosts both Anarchy Splatcast, the news show of Splatsville and Splatfests.
Splatoon 2 Octarian cursor
The Octarians are the race of octopus creatures ruled by DJ Octavio and the main antagonistic species of the hero mode in the Splatoon game series. They are located in Octo Valley and Octo Canyon. Splatoon 2 game cursor with Octarian pointer.
Splatoon 2 Agent 3 cursor
Agent 3 wears a new version of the green Hero Suit and has a hairstyle in the form of two tentacles on its head. The Splatoon cursor for a mouse!
Splatoon 2 Agent 4 cursor
Agent 4 is the main Inkling with a new yellow Hero Suit and a hairstyle in the form of two tentacles. Splatoon cursor for a mouse with Agent 4!
Splatoon 2 Judd cursor
Meow! Cat judge of Splatoon multiplayer matches - Judd, and pink Squid logo from the flag that he raises with his paw, in the custom cursor from the Splatoon 2 game.
Splatoon 2 Pearl cursor
Boo-YAAAAAAHHHHHH! Custom Cursor with Pearl, member of Off the Hook band, and her squid form from the Splatoon 2 game.
Splatoon 2 Li'l Judd cursor
Meow! Nice cursor with the cat Li'l Judd, junior judge assistant cat of Judd from the Splatoon 2 game.
Splatoon 2 Callie cursor
Optimistic member of pop idols Squid Sisters duet - Callie, and her squid form in a cheerful custom cursor from the Splatoon game.
Splatoon 2 Marie cursor
Fashionable Marie Inkling from Nintendo's Splatoon 2 shooter game and her lime green Parasol in an elegant cursor pack.