- Hollow Knight cursors

Hollow Knight cursors
Hollow Knight – это приключенческая 2D-игра, выпущенная инди-студией Team Cherry, которая построена на развитии возможностей персонажа, исследовании мира и сражении с многочисленными противниками.
В этой качественной и невероятно атмосферной метроидвании, игрок выступает в роли безымянного молчаливого рыцаря, который отправляется в путешествие к давно заброшенному королевству Hallownest. Опускаясь все ниже, игрок обнаруживает то, что осталось от ранее процветающего королевства и его обитателей, которые подверглись инфекции. Несмотря на то, что от королевства остались одни руины, каждая локация превосходно подчеркнута красивым артом и музыкальным сопровождением, которые в сочетании создают особую атмосферу и настроение.
В Hollow Knight присутствует несколько концовок с различными вариациями финальных битв, большое количество секретов, интересных локаций и хороших предметов. Также в игре существует около 145 видов врагов, каждый из которых обладает своими уникальными особенностями и умениями летать, плеваться ядом, трансформироваться, разрываться на части, взрываться и так далее. Среди них Hollow Knight курсор The Radiance, Soul Master and Orb Attack курсор для мыши, игровой курсор Hollow Knight Troupe Master Grimm.
В Hollow Knight коллекции курсоров есть оригинальные творения и фан-арты многих фантастических персонажей! Выбирайте самого любимого героя, который станет вашим игровым курсором для мыши. Вы можете выбрать Hollow Knight курсор Old Nail, игровой курсор для мыши Hollow Knight Snail Shaman, курсор для мыши Hollow Knight Quirrel, фанарт курсор Hollow Knight Myla, игровой Hollow Knight курсор Seth.
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Hollow Knight Grey Mourner cursor
Grey Mourner is a character in the video game Hollow Knight. She is a large, moth-like creature who resides in the Resting Grounds, a hidden area of Hallownest. A fanart Hollow Knight cursor with Grey Mourner.
Hollow Knight Pure Vessel cursor
Pure Vessel is one of the most iconic bosses in Hollow Knight, the award-winning action-adventure game by Team Cherry. A fanart Hollow Knight cursor with Pure Vessel.
Hollow Knight Brumm cursor
Our Hollow Knight Brumm cursor features an NPC voiced by Peter Yong. Brumm is depicted as a member of the Grimm Troupe. Although he initially encourages the Knight to search for flames for the Grimmchild, he has second thoughts about the Ritual later.
Hollow Knight Relic Seeker Lemm cursor
Our fanart Hollow Knight Relic Seeker Lemm cursor features a merchant in Hollow Knight who collects relics and buys them for fair amounts of Geo. He does not seek company unless they bring him more material for his collection.
Hollow Knight Lurien the Watcher cursor
The character in our fanart game cursor is Lurien the Watcher, who appears as an NPC in Hollow Knight. He is one of the Dreamers involved in the Knight's quest to destroy the Infection. He used to watch over the City of Tears from the Watcher's Spire.
Hollow Knight Cloth cursor
The creature in the game cursor is Cloth, a wanderer and cicada warrior in Hollow Knight who is on a quest of her own throughout Hallownest to prove her bravery by defeating mighty creatures. She is motivated by the prospect of dying in an epic battle.
Hollow Knight Elderbug cursor
The character from our fanart Hollow Knight Elderbug cursor pack is an NPC in this creepy game. He is the oldest resident of Dirtmouth and a friendly face for new travelers seeking the Kingdom. Elderbug cats like a wise man.
Hollow Knight Cornifer cursor
He is a cartographer by trade who is working on mapping Hallownest. Would you like to buy a copy of his work so far? This character from our fanart Hollow Knight Cornifer cursor pack is an NPC.
Hollow Knight Nailsmith cursor
The Nailsmith is a Merchant in the Hollow Knight game. This character provides a service to strengthen the Knight's Nail. He is one of the few bugs that lived through the fall of Hallownest. Fanart Hollow Knight cursor pack with Nailsmith pointer.
Hollow Knight Sly cursor
Sly is a Merchant in Hollow Knight. He sells many wares at his shop in Dirtmouth for Geo, but drives a hard bargain. Sly also appears as a boss as the Godmaster Great Nailsage Sly. Hollow Knight cursor pack with fanart Sly game cursor.
Hollow Knight Sherma cursor
Another wonderful character of the Hollow Knight is an NPC called Sherma. He is a pilgrim on a spiritual journey who requires help from Hornet in certain situations. A fanart Hollow Knight Cursor with Sherma.
Hollow Knight Mask Maker cursor
Mask Maker is an NPC in Hollow Knight. This scary dark creature with a strange mask on the face provides masks or faces for the faceless of the Kingdom. It is found in the northwest corner of Deepnest. Game cursor with Hollow Knight Mask Maker.
Hollow Knight Crystal Guardian cursor
The Crystal Guardian is part of the miners and a boss of Crystal Peak in the Hollow Knight game. While encased in the pink crystal, the Guardian shrieks similarly to the Radiance although at a higher pitch. Hollow Knight cursor with Crystal.
Hollow Knight Tiso cursor
Tiso is an adventurer in the Hollow Knight game who seeks the Colosseum of Fools for the sake of a challenge. He fights using his grey shield, which he claims has a deadly surprise. Hollow Knight cursor with Tiso.
Hollow Knight Pale King and Hallownest Seal cursor
The Pale King is a non-player character who plays an important role in the history of Hallownest. The Hollow Knight cursor with King and Hallownest Seal!