- The Legend of Zelda cursors

The Legend of Zelda cursors
Immerse yourself in the world of fantasy and adventure with The Legend of Zelda-themed cursors. A wonderful game story of Link, who has to go through dangers and solve many puzzles. The Legends of Zelda is a wonderful action-adventure video game series developed and published by Nintendo, and they brought us many heartwarming titles already. But here we see mixed gameplay with action, adventure, puzzle-solving, and roleplaying elements.
Our hero Link follows the task of rescuing Princess Zelda and defeating Ganondorf Dragmire who is the primary villain of the series. The Legend of Zelda's story commonly involves a relic known as the Triforce, a set of three golden triangles of omnipotence. Most series games involve locating and exploring dungeons, that are filled with puzzles, enemies, and, of course, dungeon bosses.
The Legend of Zelda series is widely considered one of the most influential video game series in history. Many of us enjoyed its warm colors and fairytale-like experience. We want to bring you part of that experience as cursors in our The Legend of Zelda cursor collection. Currently, in our collection, you can find both fanart cursors and our own, for example, Link cursor with a Master Sword, Princess Zelda cursor, The Legend of Zelda Urbosa cursor, Daruk Boulder Breaker cursor, Revali cursor, and The Legend of Zelda Cucco cursor.
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The Legend of Zelda Vaati cursor
In The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, Vaati is the primary antagonist. The character in our fanart Legend of Zelda cursor was a wind mage who sought the ancient power of the Light Force, and his actions resulted in the kidnapping of Princess Zelda.
The Legend of Zelda Anti-Kirby cursor
This cutie in our fanart Legend of Zelda cursor isn't so kind as the pink Kirby. This is known as Anti-Kirby, an enemy in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. This kind of Kirby is a hostile Enemy encountered on the first floor of Eagle's Tower.
The Legend of Zelda Cyclos cursor
You can meet the character you see in our fanart TLoZ cursor pack in The Wind Waker. He used to be as kind and wise as his older brother Zephos - once his monument was destroyed, he dedicated his life to using his control over cyclones to wreak havoc.
The Legend of Zelda Malon and Lon Lon Milk cursor
The cute girl in our fanart Legend of Zelda cursor pack is Malon, the daughter of the rancher Talon, who owns Lon Lon Ranch. Portrayed as a kind-hearted and responsible girl, Malon is often seen taking care of Epona, one of the Ranch's Horses.
The Legend of Zelda Master Sword and Hylian Shield cursor
Cursor pack with the legendary weapon that helps Link in his adventures. The Master Sword, which is also called the Blade of Evil's Bane. And a fireproof Hylian Shield, which depicts the symbol of Triforce and red Hylian Crest.
The Legend of Zelda Imp Midna cursor
A descendant of Twili, resident of the Twilight Realm - Midna in her imp form, in the mouse cursor from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess game.
Zelda Stamina Vessel and Heart Container cursor
Stamina Vessel or Heart Container? Which one do you think is better? In any case, get both in the custom cursor from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game.
The Legend of Zelda Link Master Sword cursor
The brave youth Link and his Master Sword, also known as the Sword of Time or the Blade of Evil's Bane, which help him fight the forces of evil in the custom cursor from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game.
The Legend of Zelda Mipha Lightscale Trident cursor
Mipha, Princess of Zora, who has the gift of healing and her Lightscale Trident in a custom cursor from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game.
The Legend of Zelda Revali Great Eagle Bow cursor
Good luck sealing the darkness! Proud Rito Champion and Link's ally - Revali and his Great Eagle Bow, in the custom cursor from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game.
The Legend of Zelda Daruk Boulder Breaker cursor
Goron warrior and Link's ally Daruk together with his hybrid hammer-sword Boulder Breaker in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game cursor pack.
The Legend of Zelda Toon Link Master Sword cursor
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this Master Sword Cursor.